+603 5191 0400/3657

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Foreign Worker

The types of permitted Sector:

Application for approval of the quota must be made at the Centre for Local Approval, Kementerian Dalam Negeri except maids, cooks citizens of Thailand and the rubber tappers in the states of North and East Coast do not require such approval.

New Application Procedures Foreign workers

1. Obtaining Approval and payment of the levy at the Centre for Local Approval, Ministry of Home Affairs.

2. Employers apply for Visa With Reference (VDR) and the Visit Pass (Temporary Employment).

Documents needed to apply:

  • An application letter from employer
  • Form of certificate of visa applications by reference
  • Letter of approval from Kementerian Dalam Negeri
  • Original receipts levy
  • Form IMM.12
  • Form of payment
  • Application forms VDR new foreign workers
  • Bank draft (payment PLKS, PROCESS AND VISA)
  • Deposit / Insurance Guarantee / Bank Guarantee (valid for at least 18 months)
  • Copy of passport workers
  • Figure workers (1 piece)
  • Personal bond stamped
  • Medical report approved by the Ministry of Health of the country's resources

Additional documents:

  • Copies of the registration form (Form 49 / Form B & D) Representative Card Company (Yellow Card) for Foreign Workers Application VDR (Employer / Company Representative)
  • The original approval letter outsourcing foreign workers, and certified copies of certificates VDR application outsourcing to foreign workers (outsourcing company)

3. Foreign workers should be located outside the country while the application is processed. Employees will only be allowed after the application VDR and PL (KS) approved. The entrance is permitted:

  • Through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA):
    Foreign workers must obtain a Visa from Malaysian Representative Offices overseas
  • Enter through the doors of other:
    Foreign workers from Thailand and Indonesia must obtain a Visa from Malaysian Representative Office in that country

4. Conduct medical examinations at the clinic / health center registered with and approved FOMEMA healthy.

5. Stickers get the Visit Pass (Temporary Employment) at the State Immigration Office or at the Malaysian Immigration Headquarters, Putrajaya. Documents required:

  • The original approval letter from the Centre for Local Approval, Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Original receipts of payment made.
  • Passport workers.

Note: All transactions are to be made ​​within one month from the date of entry of workers into this country.

Advanced Application Procedure of Foreign Workers

Applications made ​​at the Foreign Workers Division, Headquarters Office of Immigration Affairs. Employers should apply 3 months before the expiry of PL (KS).

Foreign workers have to do with the health screening test and confirmed FOMEMA healthy (for the second and third year advanced only).

Applications should be submitted or requested by employers.

Documents required:

1. Form 49 / Form B & D / card company representative

2.Form of payment

3. Foreign worker's passport valid not less than 12 months

4. The receipt of earnest money / bank guarantee / insurance guarantee (not less than 18 months)

Foreign Worker Application Form of Payment

1. Cash Only.

2. Bank draft in favor of "KETUA PENGARAH IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA" and for the states in favor of "PENGARAH IMIGRESEN NEGERI" respect. (Example: PENGARAH IMIGRESEN NEGERI KEDAH)

  • Outsourcing company allowed employees to make conversions from one company to another company within the same sector.
  • Outsourcing companies should be responsible for following the guidelines set.

Attention to Foreign Workers Application

  • Foreign workers must be in the age group 18 to 45 years.2.
  • Foreign workers are not allowed to bring in family and living in this country.
  • Foreign workers can not change the job or change employers without obtaining permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Foreign workers are allowed to work within a period not exceeding 5 years.
  • Foreign workers are allowed to stay in this country by the set date passes. Continued validity of PL (KS) should be submitted to any Immigration office three months before the expiry of PL (KS).
  • Employers are solely responsible for all payment of deposit, visa, foreign workers levy passes and the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
  • Deposit refunded only if the employer has presented evidence that foreign workers have left the country or has changed employers with the permission of the Immigration Department.
  • Foreign workers should be sent back to their home countries upon expiry of work, dismissed or when PL (KS) has expired or been revoked or confirmed unhealthy.
  • Foreign workers are not allowed to marry local residents or migrant workers who work in this country.
  • Employers are responsible for reporting to the Immigration Department if the foreign workers fled from the place he was supposed to work.
  • Approval PL (KS) may be withdrawn or revoked if it is contrary to the conditions set by the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

Migrant Workers Self-report escape

Employer / reporter must be present to the relevant Immigration Office to submit the following documents to cancel the PL (KS) Foreign Workers / Assistant house:

1.Letter request to cancel the PL (KS) foreign workers who fled.

2. Copy of identity card of employer / employer representative

3. Original passport of foreign workers fleeing

4. Foreign Worker Report Form Escaping from the employer issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia

5. Certified copy of Police Report

Foreign maids who run away will be blacklisted.

Employers are required to pay bail on personal bond rates, which were signed during the application.

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